Thursday, May 15, 2008

I've been tagged! (7.22.05)

I just did this entire post and lost it...grrrrrrrrr... but, I am a dedicated new blogger, and I will do it again!! Thanks for tagging me, Allison!! (I even am getting the lingo down) Happy Friday!

10 Years Ago Today: Good Lord, I'm old. I was 19, home from freshman year at UGA, working for the Experiment Station in the peanut fields...exhausted but soooo tan.

5 Years Ago Today: I had just moved to Macon and taken a sales job with Macon Magazine. Was living with my parents for the first time since I left for college and was on the cusp of breaking up with a long-time boyfriend. I was basically just trying to figure out which way was up.

1 Year Ago Today: I was here in this very this very chair... Happy in love, and had just gotten a new boss who has ended up being a lifesaver!!

Yesterday: Celebrated a friend's engagement at our favorite watering hole.

Tomorrow: I hope to go to the beach, but Lee and I have too much to do around the house. Bummer.

5 Snacks I enjoy: Clausen dill pickles, Zapps Salt & Vinegar potato chips, Combos, carrots with veggie dip, beef jerky

5 Adult Beverages I enjoy: Amstel Light, chardonnay, champagne, Crown & ginger ale, strawberry dacquiris

5 Bands That I Know the Lyrics to Most of Their Songs: Commodores, The Police, Frank Sinatra, Otis Redding, Snoop Dogg (old school...not the new stuff)

5 Things I Would Do with a $100,000,000: Send my parents on a fabulous overseas trip, repair the damage that stupid Dennis did to our beach house, pay off my debts, buy Lee a new car...possibly a police cruiser...hmmm?, invest

5 Locations I Would Like to Run Away to: Cannes, Italy, Turks & Caicos, Hawaii, Fiji

5 Bad Habits I Have: Procrastinating at work, biting/chewing my cuticles, not balancing my checkbook, not answering my cell phone, eating late

5 Things I Like Doing: going to the beach, reading, watching movies, running, hanging out with Lee, traveling

5 Things I would Never Wear: micro mini skirt, polyester leisure suit, socks to bed, midriff-baring top, assless chaps (ahahhahhaahah)

5 TV Shows I Like: Felicity, Law & Order, Bridezilla, Real World, Laguna Beach (I know...I'm much too old)

5 Movies I Like: Annie Hall, The Shining, Pretty In Pink, Wizard of Oz, A Love Song for Bobby Long

5 Famous People I would Like to Meet: John Cusack, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Tom Selleck, Tom Cruise (so I could punch him)

5 Biggest Joys at the Moment: planning my wedding, looking forward to the weekend with Lee, my cold Diet Coke, knowing it's Friday, being happy for my brother that he got his house (yah!)

5 favorite toys: my wedding notebook, my dogs, my car, the On-Demand feature on our cable box, Netflix

5 People to Tag: Mere, Allison (thanks for the tag!!!), Girl From Florida, JC, Huge Soul

Ok, I would try to link those names, but that's how I lost this the first time. ;) One day I'll figure it out...

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