Thursday, May 29, 2008

Faster than the speed of light (8.29.05)

That line from a Steppenwolf song is exactly how I feel my life is going right now. I can't get caught up on anything right, wedding, house, you name it. I have about 183,000 things started that I have no idea how I am going to finish. And, of course, work has to come first so that I can continue to pay bills, eat, and have a roof over my head. But then comes the wedding - which is nipping at our heels by the way - and there are so many's hard to even think about getting them all wrapped up in the 6 weeks we have left. Beyond that, my house needs a really good top-to-bottom cleaning - I'm talking baseboard scrubbing, mopping, furniture dusting...the works. The problem? Time. Wah wah wah-y wah wah.
However, I am back on track to getting my life back. Lee was in D.C. this weekend, so I had a chance on Saturday and Sunday to kind of regroup...I cleaned, shopped, rested, went to church, went to work for a bit (ugh), and just tried to get my head back on straight. Not an easy task these days. But again this morning, work got all crazy and I have been going 100 mph since 830 am. The muscles in my shoulders and neck feel like someone mauled them up like a French twist from Mi-Lady Bakery. I am a nervous ball of energy right almost giddy with adrenaline - trying to finish up buys for one client, media schedules for another, emailing aunts about having my cousins be ushers (and my youngest cousins pass out programs...they're so young, though, that they will probably end up running around with the programs on their heads - hell, by that point I may join them).
Good things: I am getting along famously for my boss...even asked for a raise last week (after a glass or two of wine) and I think I may get it!! Things are good on the work front...busy, but very very good.
The wedding plans are coming along - even though there is much to do, we have much behind us, and I am excited about the big day.
Can I even explain how excited I am about the honeymoon??? 7 days of doing nothing in Aruba. Hell yes!
Presents - wedding presents are the most fun thing ever...and I never knew that I would be this excited about plates and forks.
Ok, leaving for now - time to unclench my jaw and try to relax for the evening.
Au revoir.

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