Thursday, May 15, 2008

Today is a new day! (8.2.05)

Well, in a little over 24 hours, our company raised $900 for Elizabeth. That is really amazing considering we only have about 12 people that work here. Our Atlanta office (which consists of about 15 more people) raised $80, and we did the rest. I am so unbelievably touched that everyone stepped up like that - it amazes me. And restores my faith in people. I cannot wait to give this "love fund" to Elizabeth...she is going to be blown away.

I went during lunch and got her goodies for her road trip - cookies, crackers, water, candy, gum...and treats for her babies, too. I am going to give her that tonight with a card - inside the card will be the check for $900. That should help least a little. She can either use it for Toby's treatments, or for traveling, or for anything in the world she wants. :)

This fundraising has made me incredibly happy...I just feel so good that we could actually do something this substantial for Elizabeth. I am restored and refreshed and amazed and impressed. It's a great feeling. I know that what we've done won't take any of her pain away, but she will at least know how much we all care.

Thanks for everyone who has prayed for her - every little bit counts.

Tonight, on a totally different subject, a friend of Lee's is coming into town to stay with us for 2-3 nights. He is a groomsman and Lee has known him forever, but I've never met him. A vegetarian (which completely threw off my meal planning) and a non-drinker (which completely threw off my entertainment itinerary) - this should be interesting. Lee loves him, though, and I'm sure I will too... wish me luck. O'Douls and, um, whatever vegetarians eat!! ahah...

Have a great Tuesday - and do something sweet for does amazing things for your soul. LOVE!!!

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