Monday, June 2, 2008

Cause for celebration! (8.30.05)

My day just got about 300% better. Lee called and let me know that he got the job that he interviewed for - it's with the same company (so he won't have to completely change everything...), but it's in a whole new department, and it's something that he is so excited about AND will make more money doing! He has been feeling a little bored and dissatisfied with work lately, so this is a HUGELY great thing for both of us. A happier, more challenged, better paid Lee. Yah! Can't tell you how great this is for us.
Also, I met with my wedding director today...she's precious. I would say around 72 years old and just storybook classic. Sweet lady with a tinge of Southern favorite. She really knows what she's talking about and had me all up to speed and calmed down in a matter of about 20 minutes. My organist is ready to go (my mother nailed that down today), I got an email about stuff for our goody bags, the table/chairs/table cloth people are set...we are getting there, my friends!
I may write more later - just had to share this.

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