Thursday, March 20, 2008

Friday...At Long Last (6.10.05)

I can't believe we finally made it to the weekend. Fridays are, by far, the absolute best day of the week. You are right on the cusp of the weekend - looking at two days of sleeping in and doing whatever you damn well please. I have always loved Fridays - I remember being in elementary school and having my turquoise overnight bag with me at school all ready to go home with one of my friends.

I especially remember the days I was staying with one of my Beth's - I would ride the bus home with her, we would immediately take to the trampoline and play "Olympics" where we would make China and Russia do very poorly but America would score 10.0\'s. After the sun went down, we'd go in and order pizza...and settle into her stepdad's study to watch scary movies. Our favorite was "Don't Open the Door" - it was horrible and really poor quality, but we loved it as we snacked on Skittles and screamed and intermittently talked about what we were planning for Saturday.

There was one Saturday that we were especially motivated - we set up a lemonade stand on the golf course near Beth's house, and we were quite the success. We made $30 - which at the time might as well have been $1,000. We were thrilled! One of the golfers told us we should also sell we asked Beth's mom if we could. She said no. ahaha...

Beth and I also used to lie in her hammock - this was when we got a little older and were completely obsessed with boys. We also were obsessed with the modeling contests in Seventeen and YM magazines, so we took pictures of each other to send in. Looking back on all of that makes me smile - I had such great times in my childhood.

Beth and I lived together for 3 years in college, we were sorority sisters, I was in her wedding, and she is in mine this October. Such an amazing friend...and what a history we have!

I actually didn't mean for this entry to be a walk down memory lane, but it did my heart good. So I guess that is mission accomplished.

Lee and I have no plans for the weekend - except to cut the grass (which reminds me of the yard in "Honey, I shrunk the kids" when the children are surrounded by huge blades of grass) and to attempt to redo our Save the Date cards. Lord help us.

I am a little sleepy today - we had much fun last night celebrating Tonya's 30th birthday. Girly dinner, wine, and then later Pinkie's. Made for an early morning, but I actually think I may be becoming an adult. I was home by midnight.

Well, off to do some work. I am happier now than I was when I sat down at my desk this morning - was therapeutic to remember the good ol' days.

Beth...want to rent scary movies and order pizza????

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