Thursday, March 20, 2008

I feel the need, the need for a lobotomy... (6.17.05)

Tom Cruise has completely lost his mind. I mean, I'm all for love at first sight and shouting things from mountain tops...but my God. He is making a complete fool of himself. And of Katie Holmes. Obviously, this is just my opinion (this IS my blog/soap box, after all), but I just feel so differently about TC now than I used to.

And here's the thing about Katie - I mean, if one of my childhood celebrity crushes all of a sudden took an extreme interest in me, I would probably be swept off my feet as well. It would be hard not to get caught up in that rush of emotion. But it is all way too fast...and weird. And the whole scientology spin? What in the Hell is that all about?? Now KH has fired her rep and is hanging out with this Scientology chick around the clock. So "off" to me. Now, you may ask...why do I even care? I'm not sure, honestly...because it's more fun than working on insertion orders and leafing through media kits.

You do have to wonder what Chris Klein is thinking right now. I mean, is he laughing? Is he just watching television with his mouth agape? Is he burning pictures of the former Chris/Katie union ceremoniously while screaming "I HATE MAVERICK!" over and over? And what about Nicole Kidman? Good Lord, she has to be glad to be out of that circus. On to bigger/taller (hahahaha) and better things.

On another note - look at this Rant & Rave from my hometown newspaper:
If you do not have a driver's license to show when you go to vote, you will need a picture ID. You can get one at the old state patrol station on Fulwood Boulevard. Question: How do you get to the patrol station if you do not have a driver's license?

AHAHAAHAHAHAHA... Yes, that does pose a problem. Unless you have ANY relatives or friends that could possibly drop you off. WHAT??? So butt crazy and awesome. You have to love small town newspapers and all of their insight and issues.

Am headed to that very hometown today - looking forward to it. I love being home - it\\'s a good thing I'm getting married or I might just move back in. Is that weird?

Happy Friday!!

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