Monday, March 24, 2008

Summer Solstice (6.21.05)

Today is the first day of summer...and the longest day of the year. Why is that depressing to me? I guess because after today, the sun will gradually begin to go down a little earlier each night. I need to shake this "glass half empty" mentality - I should be excited - first day of summer! Longest day of the year! July 4th is yet to come! Woo hoo! But, still, I can only think that this is the beginning of the end of summer. How morose.

On the other hand, I am in a great mood. Walked/ran yesterday afternoon, went to the grocery store and got all kinds of healthy food, finished up my Save the Date cards last night, read some of my book, and had a good night's sleep. I feel fantastic. Am going to really try to shed about 15 pounds before the wedding - I have never in my life been able to lose weight consciously. It always just happens. I'm not much of a dieter - love food entirely too much...and beer. But I am determined not to be a fat ass in my wedding dress, so maybe that vision of cellulite surrounded by satin will keep me out of the fridge. I actually put together a meal this morning that is in the crockpot as I speak...chicken with wild rice, lemon, garlic, kosher salt and seasoned pepper. I hope it's good. I went a little crazy with the salt.

I have so much to do today (workwise). But feeling good makes a huge difference...I think I may actually be MOTIVATED! (gasp!) For a Tuesday, I am in a shockingly good mood. Ever since I was in elementary school, Tuesdays usually remind me of math homework, Inspector Gadget on tv, and green beens on the stove - all in all, depressing. But today is different. Am on a mission to feel good. I may even be able to overcome my Solstice Sadness. ;)

Off to Media Madness!

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