Monday, March 24, 2008

War, Politics, Calculus & Knitting (6.22.05)

Above are 4 things that I am admittedly somewhat ignorant about. Knitting and Calculus - I am not ashamed to not know about these two...I have no desire to learn about either one of them. War and Politics, however, intimidate me. I consider myself an intelligent person - I read and watch the news; I vote; I have a college degree; I can carry on conversations about art and culture and other cerebral subjects. Political discussions, however, scare the bejesus out of me. I have the tendency to bury my head in the sand whenever the subject comes up. I am not proud of fact, I intend to do something about it. I actually think that I know as much or more than some of these idiots who drone on and on about their political stances in bars, on television and in the newspaper, but putting my ignorance on display isn't something I am willing to do.

I am a Conservative - to the degree that I think everyone should have to take responsibility for their own actions and I am not in favor of widespread hand-outs. The neighborhood I live in is a perfect example of welfare gone wrong - the more "help" these people get, the more content they are to sit on their asses and not even try to rise above their situations. There are, of course, exceptions, and I am by no means in favor of taking food out of people's mouths...but making things too easy for some is hurting them, not helping them.

I am also Pro-Choice. I don't think it is anyone's right to tell a woman (or a couple) what they can or cannot do with their bodies. I know that this is a very, very touchy subject - and I do see how the situation can be abused, but after much thought and research and soul searching, this is how I feel. So, in this sense, I could be labeled as "Liberal."

I am for capital punishment. I believe that if you take a life, you should have yours taken away from you. Period. This view takes me back to "Conservative."

Health Care - I have no idea what the answer is here. I know we have a long way to go, but I won't pretend to know how to approach this problem. Here I am back to "ignorant."

Social Security - why NOT be responsible for putting your own retirement away? I feel much more secure knowing that the money I put towards my retirement will actually be there than just hoping it will...and it coming out of my paycheck regardless. Volleyed back to the "Conservative" side of the court.

See? There is not a cut and dried version of politics. Not in my opinion. I think there are so many valid points on EVERY side of EVERY issue. I refuse to pretend that I know better than someone else. I can only believe what I believe and try to learn as much as possible.

Oh, the issues... Come on, people...I don't have time for this. I have a wedding to plan. ahahahaa... kidding. ;)

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