Monday, June 2, 2008

Bon anniversaire (10.3.05)

Today, 30 years ago, I came into this world. I cannot believe that I have been on this planet for three decades. I still feel like a child most of the time. But all in all, I am really pleased with the way I've lived my life thus far. I haven't shied away from opportunities, I have made so many friends, I have had my heart broken (and broken a heart or two), I have tried to be kind to others, I have laughed and cried and sung and danced my heart out, read books, gotten a college degree, raised a puppy...and now, I'm getting married. Pretty good for 30 years, I think.
My bachelorette party was an absolute blast - I loved that everyone came down was so calming having all of my friends around me. The condo we stayed in was nice of Cindy...we had bar time, beach time, nice dinner time and plenty of laughter. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend.
12 days until the wedding.
Tonight Lee is taking me to dinner at one of the only places in Savannah that I've never eaten. The Olde Pink House - I cannot wait. I know it will be wonderful, and it will be such a nice break for Lee and me as a slow down, eat a nice meal, drink a glass of wine and TALK. We haven't done much of that in a while. haha...
Yesterday afternoon, after everyone had packed up and gone home, I decided to have a Molly night. Lee was napping, so I wrote him a note and just snuk away. It was therapeutic. I drove around for a long time, talked to my mom on the phone for almost an hour, and then decided to go to a movie. I have only done the solo movie thing one other time, but I really like it. You just feel so anonymous for 2's wonderful. Saw "Flight Plan" which was pretty good...suspenseful enough to get my mind off of the millions of other things I have going on. I got home about 9. Got some good sleep and feel great today.
Lee sent me flowers today - they're beautiful. :) Getting flowers is one of those special things that never loses its charm. And some of my coworkers put balloons in my sweet. Birthdays are fun to me.

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