Monday, June 2, 2008

Gus Chiggins, Coldplay & Meer cats (9.12.05)

What a weekend...such a blur but so much fun. Friday night, our Savannah buddies had a shower for us at Tonya's house. We had a blast - very good crowd - lots of beer - bbq - presents...and it has finally cooled down a little. It is so humbling for your friends to show up and literally shower you with presents - I have still not quite gotten used to it. Feels a little awkward but so special at the same time. And being there with Lee is a huge help - he's such my partner. So, after lots of beer and some obligatory tequila, Tonya and I snuk off for our Will Farrel ritual. We seem to always do this in the midst of a party - we go back and watch the Will Farrel "Old Prospector" clip and roll around on her bedroom floor laughing our a--es off. This time we kidnapped our friend, Jason, and made him watch too. Not sure if he found it as hilarious as we did, but we really weren't that concerned. ;)
At midnight, Lee and I resigned ourselves to the fact that we needed to go. Saturday, we rose fairly early and hit the road to Raleigh. We have had Coldplay tickets for several months now, and it was finally time! The venue is fabulous (we saw Fleetwood Mac there last summer, and this was Lee's 5th show there) - it's the Alltel Pavilion in Raleigh...seats about 20,000...mostly lawn seats...the cleanest, best, venue ever. And the concert was simply amazing - Chris Martin is fantastic. The vocals were great...and even when he coughed through part of "The Scientist" - he handled it with a funny, humble grace that made it even better the 2nd time around. He sent out a song to Gwyneth and even sang into his cell phone (which I'm sure was on a call to his wife) towards the end. Just unreal. I would see them again in a hearbeat.
(nice review of the show:
Sunday, we made our way back to Savannah. Book on tape, beef jerky, Diet Cokes...ready to go. We had some small problems with our books on tape - had to return a few along the way at various and sundry Cracker Barrels for some CD malfunctions, but eventually we got one that we liked and that worked. Got home around 5 or so, went to the grocery store (we are on a new diet - we're not eating crap anymore), and settled in for the evening.
There was a show on GPB (PBS) last night about animal behaviors and emotions. Dogs feeling grief, elephants feeling loss...and a special segment on meer cats. It hit me so hard for some reason! The piece about the meer cats showed one of the females that had been mauled by a jackal. She wasn't dead, but she was hurt very badly. Apparently, meer cats travel all the time - for food, for shelter...they are always moving. But when this one cat was so badly injured, she couldn't go any further. Her family stayed with her - her mother rested her head on the injured meer cat's head, and they all stayed close. They would not leave her. Eventually she succumbed to her injuries and died, and only then did the family move on. I cried like a baby. I mean, SOBBED... it just really touched me to watch these animals behave like we humans only sometimes think that we react. Was just amazing. My eyes are swollen today. Because of meer cats. Go figure.
Ok, off to work - I have so much to do...and have done pretty much nothing today. Talk soon.

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