Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Strike that, life is good until you make a fool of yourself on a conference call (2.21.06)

Why do I do things like that? I am on a conference call - with 8 other people (3 of them clients) and I am the first up. So instead of being a normal person and just getting right down to business, I practically scream "Good morning!" in a weird voice and then yell, "MEDIA!\" (which is my "subject")... Everyone sat there in silence, I turned purple, and one of my co-workers actually said, "Whoa." I think I thought it would be funny - who knows... With my friends, I do weird stuff all the time - I AM weird - but I need to remember that not everyone gets me. Especially when they can't even SEE my face to understand that I'm joking. Ugh... I hate that feeling. I will put it in my HUGE pile of Most Embarassing Moments. I think it was number 4,359,299...jeez.


In other news, we have two trips (count em) two trips this weekend. We are headed to Atlanta Friday night (4 hour drive) to see NoFx. This band is one of my husband's favorites... I will enjoy it, I'm sure (as I did Social Distortion), but I have this vision of me surrounded by eyeliner-wearing punks moshing all over one another and I stand awkwardly in my pea coat. hahah...It's actually a funny thought. Saturday we are driving to Tifton (another 3 hours) for the Friends & Family opening of Loco's down there. My brother's best friend is the owner, so we got these sought-after invitiations through him...should be a lot of fun. Free booze and food and a bunch of people we know. :) But, my God, we are going to be slap worn out by Sunday.

I watched a massive amount of television last night - old Laguna Beach episodes, Flip this House (AWESOME show), The Secret Life of a Serial Killer (extremely interesting...and creepy), The Bachelor (Allie G didn't show...I kind of feel bad for her crazy a$$), and then a show on a transexual about to have an operation. My brain is fried. But expanded. ha...

Happy Tooseyday - Math homework, green beans on the stove and Inspector Gadget on TV ... ah yeah

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