Monday, June 2, 2008

Countdown... (9.19.05)

We are exactly 25 days out from the wedding...that is not enough time to lose the 15-20 lbs I was hoping, grow out my fingernails, sculpt my arms, or do the 14 tons of laundry that have piled up at our house. It is probably only time enough to try and tie up some loose ends at work and finalize details with all of our vendors. Crazy - I can't believe we're this close! Where has the time gone?? Yikes.
This weekend alone, we had 3 parties. One Thursday night (Stock the Bar), one Saturday night (BBQ) and a shower on Sunday afternoon. Thursday: Savannah...Saturday: Tifton....Sunday: Macon. Talk about exhausted. It's been a whirlwind for the past few weeks, and it will continue right up until the big day. I'm trying to take everyone's advice and "slow down...enjoy it..." - that's not easy, though.
I am leaving Wednesday morning (6 am flight - ouch) for Birmingham - I am attending the Southern Living Cook-Off event...and cannot wait. We advertise in Southern Living with one of our clients, so that is how this came about...but it should be a really good time. I have no direct bosses going - just me, the client and his wife. I think it will be much fun. Coming back Friday afternoon to Savannah and then heading to Macon Saturday morning (for another party). Busy, busy, busy...
Few things I have not gotten done yet:
- Track down the *&@#%)@& trumpet player
- Track down my hairdresser
- Put together the goody bags
- Get everyone all paid up (vendors)
- Get the Bride's Book
... there are more, but this is stressing me out.
Going to work for a bit now - and desperately try to leave my fingernails alone. Happy Monday...

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