Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Our House...in the Middle of the 'Burbs (2.6.06)

So, we are in "negotiations" right now - we got a great offer on our house that we are countering (for timing reasons), and the people that own the house we want have accepted our offer (contingent on us selling our house). Stressful, fun, scary, exciting - all those things in one. Keep your fingers crossed - we could be moving into the burbs as early as March! Yikes!
My brother came into town this weekend at the last minute. It was such a nice surprise, and we had a really great time. He got in around 930 on Friday night, we had a few beers and headed downtown. I am so lucky to have such a great brother - and even luckier that he and my great husband get along. A few times during the weekend, I was upstairs doing this or that and would hear them having conversations downstairs. Totally comfortable with one another and like old friends. It made me so happy. Two of the most important people in my life - and they love each other. What a blessing. Fun, fun weekend.
This week is going to be a long one...I don't even know why I say that, but I feel it's true. Maybe because it's 11:12 am on Monday, and I feel like I've been here for at least 17 hours. Ugh... We do have a fun trip to look forward to - we're headed to Nashville, TN Friday - we're going to visit my friend, David (who sang at our wedding) and our friends Beth & Robert are going to. Will be a blast - these are my best friends...I wish everyone could make it (a true "Circus" reunion), but those times are few and far between these days. I'll take what I can get!
I will write more later - have a wonderful Monday.

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