Monday, June 2, 2008

Real world...already (10.26.05)

I just found out that I am probably going to have to input about 35 invoices line by line (each invoice having over 100 lines) into our computer system at work. That is complete and total bullsh-- and the exact reason WHY I went to I wouldn't HAVE to be a data processor. Oooooh, this makes me really angry... And if you knew me, you would know that I don't get angry all that often. Certain things, though, really push me over the edge. Like this. The upper part of my cheeks (where my cheekbones are highest) get hot and red, and I get these little flutters in my stomach and my eyesight literally wavers for a bit. You know the term "so mad I couldn't see straight?" - it really happens to my brother and me. And, to be honest, I should probably not let this get to me...but it's just that feeling of having worked in the agency world for over 7 years, being a professional, climbing the stupid ladder...and then still being made to do mundane sh-- like enter invoices.
Now honestly, I would take out the trash at work - it doesn't have anything to do with me feeling "above" this - it's just that OTHERS feel above doing it, so I am the one that gets thrown under the bus. This post probably makes no sense unless you have been in this position, and I am being passive aggressive by writing about it instead of SAYING something...but whatever. In reality, if I said something about it then I wouldn't be a "team player" - so it's better to bitch in anonymity.
On the other side of the coin, I just sent a coworker a picture of Vanilla Ice because he slipped and told another coworker of ours that he used to cruise around and listen to him. So that was fun and my mood is slightly better.
We are headed to Jacksonville this weekend for the UGA/FL game...the "Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party in the World" - should be a good time. Staying in St. Simons, taking a bus down to Jax, full bar and catering...even a dj included... This is my 7th year running - and we always have a blast. I just hope the Dawgs can pull it out without Shockley. Hunker Down!!
Ok, random post is ending in 5, 4, 3, 2.....

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