Tuesday, June 3, 2008

U-G-L-Y...I ain't got no alibi (3.1.06)

I'm ugly, hey hey, I'm ugly! Hahahah... I just got back from the dreaded DMV (had to further the process of changing my name), and I swear, looking at the picture on my new driver's license, I might as well be a toad. Good Lord, it's bad! Ick ick ick. Had to get some Twizzler Bites to make me feel better. And to add insult to injury, I parked in an unmarked employee space and was blocked in by a government vehicle. Oh well, that's behind me now. It was actually a decent experience minus the small traffic inconvenience and hideous photograph that I will be carrying around for 5 years.
Tonight is our Young Professionals Happy Hour - yeeeee... And it\'s sunny about 80 degrees outdoors - perfect weather. There is even going to be live music there tonight, which I love. Good times! I have gotten through the day with no chocolate and no fried food - and the 3rd thing that both Lee and I are going to try to give up are cigarettes. I only smoke when drinking, but it's time to put them down. It's just a stupid gross habit. Wish us luck!! Won't be easy for him, definitely.
I had a really bizarre dream last night about being chased by a killer. It was awful. I ended up stabbing him in the neck with a fork, but I couldn't make myself really hit him hard. It was weird. He was chasing us through some sort of amusement park - so scary. At the end of the dream, it was just me, the park had closed and he was still lurking around looking for me. Yikes... pretty intense. He had on a red shirt.
Lee and I had a LONG talk last night about what we're going to when "Junior" comes along... my company doesn't offer maternity leave because they don't have to - we're too small. We get 4 weeks because that's the law, but that's it. I don't know what we're going to do when that time comes... I am watching a coworker go through it right now, and it's so hard. This just isn't a very parent-friendly place. Much too fast-paced and driven for "silly" things like children. I know we will be able to work it out - maybe our company will even have grown by then and HAVE to offer a real maternity leave, but it definitely was a grounding discussion. And kind of an exciting one because it means we're thinking toward family. I just really don't want to give up my career (or my salary!), but I want the birth and first few months of our baby's life to be wonderful...not stressful and laced with work. Well, we will cross that bridge later, I suppose. For now, just keep your fingers crossed that we hire about 5 more people. heh heh
Happy Hump Day!

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