Monday, June 2, 2008

The Joseph (9.29.05)

This is what we call Joey, the Basset, most of the time. It just seems odd and funny - which is Joey in a nutshell. Thanks to everyone who has prayed for him and thought about us the past week - it's been trying with him hurt and at the vet. Lee and I got to see him yesterday - and he looks 10 times better than I thought he would. He had his surgery on Tuesday, and by the time we saw him on Wednesday, he was up and around (limping...but up). His scar is a bit daunting - probably close to 10 inches long - and he has a huge pin in his hip and right leg. But he's alive...and seemingly happy, and that's what counts.
We get to take him home tomorrow. It has been hard (the two times I've gone to see him) to leave him at the vet. When he sees Lee or me, he thinks he's going home. The little look in his eyes just about does me in. But I have been so impressed (and thankful) to the vets and their staff...they've been amazing.
Now we have the challenge of keeping Joey from putting any pressure on that leg for 2-3 months. You can't exactly reason with a dog (especially Joey), so this is going to take some work on our part. He'll have to be crated which he will hate...and not allowed to run free which he will also hate...but we'll work it out. (Hey! It has taken our minds off of the wedding a little bit!) :)Anyway, that's my Joey update. More later.

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