Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Friday...Thankfully (2.17.06)

I have been really bad about writing lately - just so much going on. This week alone, we had an inspection of our new house, a buyer back out on our old house, a new buyer come in and make an offer, talks with the new house owners, and finally setting a date of March 8th for the closing. All that and working fulltime too. Who has time for Valentine's Day??

It's been exciting, though, and I think (HOPE) we're all set. Our house is getting inspected on Wednesday, so please keep your fingers crossed. It's an old house, but it is in remarkably good shape. I just hope the inspector agrees with me.

Last weekend, Lee, me, Beth, and her husband, Robert, all went up to Nashville, TN to see our friend, David. We had a blast. It snowed, we drank, it snowed, we ate, it snowed, we slept. So much fun. David rented limos for us Friday and Saturday night to take us to and from town - so much fun - these limos are older, a little roughed up, and we had a blast. I had not been to Nashville in years (b/c the drive is horrendous), but it was so much fun. We'll have to do it again soon. And David has become quite the real estate mogul - so proud. :) Good times.

Tomorrow I am headed to Atlanta to help one of my best friends, Melissa, celebrate her 30th birthday. Beth is going, too, and I know it will be a blast. Going to have a date tonight with my sweet husband, and head up there in the morning.

Oh! I got a new desk today at work - I am quite professional now. I hope this doesn't mean I have to start wearing suits...although my office DOES smell of rich mahogheny. hahaha

Have a great weekend!!

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